About verification, if I had to guess, maybe those phone providers block certain country numbers. I keep thinking that Palai uses an American phone number to text people, but I could be wrong. I know they use an American number to text Americans, but I've helped people in other countries, and I think they only have a few phone numbers; they allow over a hundred countries yet they only have a few phone numbers, so maybe they're texting you using an American or Canadian number and it's being blocked, that is a very plausible theory. As for the whitepaper, the Questions & Answers part is long enough to be a whitepaper, so it basically is the whitepaper. And now we have that new Mexican organization iALAP, found at, and they have a whole bunch of stuff for Palai; an escrow, a mission statement and code of conduct for the Palai community and Palai-conducted business, basically iALAP which just got started in September, their website was just a big construction banner but now they at least have a few pages online while still having construction signs, this site looks like it will create infrastructure for Palai; as under construction as it is, they have an image of an exchange rate chart and a whole mission statement with twenty-three bullet points, so the Palai community is going somewhere!
So, does that mean we can also go somewhere? To hell for instance? Or when will there a solution for this problem? Remember: It's as easy that all people can use it. Including ALL those people using a german provider, ALL people using Vodafone or Telekom and ALL people without a cell phone.
And last four years it was a german phone number sending the verification codes.
I'm guessing the developers are only aware of things similar to Telekom. So here's my question; are there issues with these other providers receiving texts from American phone numbers? I would honestly not be surprised if that was the problem. A lot of providers around here do not have this problem, I can receive international texts just fine I think, so this would help people like me diagnose the problem if we knew how the providers handled receiving texts from international numbers. I know it costs money to send one, but we're not the ones sending the texts, yet I've seen providers having this problem.
So with us it is all the D2 (Vodafon) phone affected, not one SMS arrived, when asking around in different groups the same problem, it can probably all register except those who are at Vodafon7D2!
why is it not possible via an email with the specification of his telephone number, why does the support not work, this is dead?
Genau, wieso gibt es keine Alternative zum Telefon, so ist Palai eine Todgeburt, wenn man von Beginn an bereits Personen aussortiert und das, nur weil Sie nicht den passenden Telfonanbieter haben! Hierzu kommt das Vodafon, bzw das D2 Netz einer der grössten Anbieter ist, heisst für deutschland und andere Länder das die hälfte der Bevölkerung nicht teilnehmen kann, von vorherein ausgeschlossen sind, na Toll!
Exactly, why is there no alternative to the phone, so Palai is a stillborn, if you already sort out people from the beginning and that, just because you do not have the right Telfonanbieter! In addition, the Vodafon, or the D2 network is one of the largest providers, means for Germany and other countries that half of the population can not participate, are excluded from the outset, great!