I am hosting this event on Sunday, May 22 at 11:00 p.m. GMT. Private message me for the online event link, hosted by Jitsi. Here is the Facebook event link.
Today we found that Palai was traded at a Rate of Exchange of:
1 Palai equals:
$0.0761 EUR or
$0.0745 USD or
$1.5001 MXN or
$ 10.85 JPY or
$ 0.85 CNY.
Transaction occured on the website on October 06, 2022 at 19:11 UTC.
Once we find out any other transaction data we can compare we will publish it here as well.
*If you process a transaction and paid using Palai we would like to know the Rate of exchange used as well.
Last edited by Exchange IALAP (10/07/2022 9:15 am)
Ok, but palai is not listed until 2025?
Well, that's when they were hoping to have the price of Palai up to €1, but they guessed that in 2018, and they didn't see a pandemic coming and messing up the economy as we know it. So sites like Palai Bank and iALAP are already trying to establish prices; my guess is that by 2025 it will probably be €0.20; we're in a different world thanks to the pandemic, and €1 is not as close as we thought. But knowing iALAP, they just might make it happen.