Unofficial Palai Forum
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12/21/2021 5:42 am  #11

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Hello Tyler, can you ask palai team for a white paper, the roadmap of how they are going to bring palai to the public in 2025..since if there is a road map of palai..many people will believe this palai will be traded..because all are in the dark here..


12/21/2021 5:44 am  #12

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Hello Tyler, can you ask palai team for a white paper, the roadmap of how they are going to bring palai to the public in 2025..since if there is a road map of palai..many people will believe this palai will be traded..because all are in the dark here..


12/21/2021 9:55 am  #13

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Well, to be honest, the questions and answers page is so enormously gigantic that it might as well be the whitepaper.

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12/21/2021 10:34 am  #14

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum



4/25/2022 11:05 am  #15

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Is here someone still alive??? 


5/24/2022 1:49 pm  #16

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Ja hier lebt noch jemand  - die "Tot gesagten" leben länger -- wie es oft heißt - bin immer noch sehr interessiert an Palai und anderen Formen von BGE :-) 


5/24/2022 2:14 pm  #17

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Yes, I'm still here too. After all, this forum's only got one administrator; of course the administrator is here.

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5/12/2024 3:50 am  #18

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Hi, I am Mark Metson, owner of, and various other knotwork domains over the last few decades.

I watched a similar-sounding cryptocurrency launch way back when, I think it is even still going (edit: FReiCoin), but as admin already mentioned this does one does not seem very blockchainish, in particular because it seems to offend the "not your keys, not your coins" rule; it looks a lot like the main site behind it basically owns all the keys thus owns all the coins thus none of this currency can really be regarded as your own, it seems more like an IOU, and furthermore an IOU the issuers of evidence no inclination to ever actually redeem aka make good on aka pay back.

So I admit to being quite suspicious of it.

The evapouration makes it probably not very practical for use as a "reserve asset" in the "treasuries" of the Galactic Milieu's treasury-based assets so I am not sure yet whether it can somehow be put to use in the Galactic Milieu but will look into that.

I tried to link to a bio type page but cannot post links yet.

-MarkM- (aka Knotwork, Makemoney Knotwork etc)


Last edited by knotwork (5/12/2024 5:44 am)


10/07/2024 7:36 pm  #19

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Hi and hej everybody,
I\m Andrew, from Sweden and I want to thank Tzahnke for building this awesome forum. I've been interested in UBI for a while now. I signed up for:
1. Mannabase
2. Swiftdemand
5. And now Palai.
I think UBI is inevitable with the rise of Automation and AI. Anyone disagrees? Crypto seems to be a better way of distributing UBI than any fiat system. Looking forward to getting to know all members here and want to contribute by adding value to others. Chat soon, new friends...


10/07/2024 8:06 pm  #20

Re: Artist, writer, and creator of this forum

Wow, I am a fan of the same currencies! I actually discovered UBI because of SwiftDemand in 2018; I discovered SwiftDemand because it often comes up when Googling Swiftcoin; I don't think Swiftcoin exists anymore, it was allegedly one of the first four cryptos; Bitcoin, Namecoin, Swiftcoin, Litecoin, and I think Devcoin came out around that time, back in 2011 when few people knew what crypto was. But SwiftDemand is not Swiftcoin, but I guess because SwiftDemand is a coin, you will eventually find SwiftDemand when Googling Swiftcoin because the names are similar. Well, that was May 2018, and in June 2018, upon researching the general concept of UBI, that was when I found Mannabase. And I was private messaging with users on the SwiftDemand forum in January 2019, and one of them just randomly sent me a Palai link; probably one of the first Palai links sent from outside the German-speaking world. Yes, I live in the United States, and apparently so did this SwiftDemand user. I liked Palai's simplicity along with its crypto-like vibe as far as people's Palai addresses go; at first Palai evaporating over time confused me, but eventually I learned about Silvio Gesell and the concept of a demurrage currency, known in German in economic circles as a Freigeld or Schwundgeld system. I am not a German speaker, but Palai and German economics inspired me to try learning it. In Germany, a UBI system is often called Grundeinkommen, always liked that word. Now, for Worldcoin and GoodDollar; why haven't I joined those? Oh, did you join Circles yet? Anyway, apparently my state, Michigan, United States, has no licensed Worldcoin orb operators, I found that out a week or so ago. And as for GoodDollar, well, being blind doesn't help. At least as of 2022, update me if I'm wrong, to verify for GoodDollar you frame your face in a video feed. Well, being totally blind, I can't see what I'm doing; in fact, I almost didn't make it into SwiftDemand in 2018, but they changed from a government document scan to a simple photo in late 2018, and I have a few old photos of me I keep around; as far as Manna, back when Manna had an ID picture system, I did have someone help me take that picture; having someone help me take a photo is slightly easier than having someone help me frame in a live video that's being analyzed in real time; not sure if I will ever truly be on GoodDollar. But I do like GoodDollar historically; sure, the guy who created it didn't know crypto until Bitcoin got really popular, but the general GoodDollar proposal, for the general concept of GoodDollar as a currency, came out around the time of Bitcoin 2008 whitepaper! So there we go with the historical early crypto era history again! Even though GoodDollar took longer to become a working currency, the original proposal/whitepaper is one of the oldies in digital currency whitepaper history! Right now, Palai and Gradido are my favorite basic income coins, with Palai being a UBI and Gradido being an ABI (allegedly Gradido invented the term ABI, to show that it's not a perfect UBI), though Palai and Gradido are my favorites, SwiftDemand is close. And I'm proud to say I have used all three currencies! I've bought paintings and auction items with Palai, I've bought mango coconut cooking sauce with SwiftDemand, and I've bought spiritual healing sessions (just for the experience to see what it's like) and physical pieces of currency with Gradido. Yes, in 2023, Gradido did an experiment involving issuing a physical version of its currency, so I used some digital Gradido to buy some physical Gradido just so I could really feel the Gradido! Once I had enough Manna, I was going to buy some random odds and ends, including cups of ramen, from Mannabasics, but by mid 2019, the Mannabasics shop had shut down. But as far as successful transactions resulting in receiving physical objects, I'm proud to say I've done it with Palai, I've done it with Gradido, and I've done it with SwiftDemand! But yeah, GoodDollar looks like it exploded in popularity, and here I am, a blind person unable to frame in a video according to instructions. I think it's wonderful that you found Palai; I wonder how you found it!

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